Did you know that LinkedIn has over 347 million members and their average salary is over $100,000? This social media giant is one of our most powerful and lucrative business resources. According to LinkedIn’s Newsroom, there are 2 new professionals joining every second check over here. Come learn how to attract this abundance of prospects and turn them into a business opportunity.

Did you know that LinkedIn has over 347 million members and their average salary is over $100,000? This social media giant is one of our most powerful and lucrative business resources. According to LinkedIn's Newsroom, there are 2 new professionals joining every second. Come learn how to attract this abundance of prospects and turn them into a business opportunity. Our captain, Tony Guarnaccia, shared best practices for driving results through LinkedIn yesterday at Tonsha Marketing on behalf of the South Windsor Chamber of Commerce.  He covered the 7 Critical Steps for Optimizing your LinkedIn presence website to expand your visibility, make a great first impression and drive sales success.