Did you know that LinkedIn has over 347 million members and their average salary is over $100,000? This social media giant is one of our most powerful and lucrative business resources. According to LinkedIn’s Newsroom, there are 2 new professionals joining every second check over here. Come learn how to attract this abundance of prospects and turn them into a business opportunity.

Did you know that LinkedIn has over 347 million members and their average salary is over $100,000? This social media giant is one of our most powerful and lucrative business resources. According to LinkedIn's Newsroom, there are 2 new professionals joining every second. Come learn how to attract this abundance of prospects and turn them into a business opportunity. Our captain, Tony Guarnaccia, shared best practices for driving results through LinkedIn yesterday at Tonsha Marketing on behalf of the South Windsor Chamber of Commerce.  He covered the 7 Critical Steps for Optimizing your LinkedIn presence website to expand your visibility, make a great first impression and drive sales success.  

In our fast pace, noisy world, everyone has something to say, something to sell, and something to do.  This is even more important when it comes to businesses and brands where their primary goal is to deliver their message effectively to the people that matter,...