CT Business Expo

Laser Tag your Customers with LinkedIn

Did you know that LinkedIn has over 347 million members and their average salary is over $100,000? This social media giant is one of our most powerful and lucrative business resources. According to LinkedIn’s Newsroom, there are 2 new professionals joining every second check over here. Come learn how to attract this abundance of prospects and turn them into a business opportunity.

Join our captain, Tony Guarnaccia, at the CT Business Expo to learn how to use LinkedIn more effectively to grow your business.  Some of the topics Tony and his fellow panelists will cover include:

  • How to use aspects of LinkedIn as more than just “group speak”
  • How to optimize your profile and not get lost in LinkedIn clutter.
  • Why your competition is your best teacher

Register today for CT Business Expo and remember to visit the “Laser Tag your Customers with LinkedIn” workshop at The Connecticut Convention Center in Hartford, CT on June 9th at 11:30 am. Visit the CT Business Expo website to learn more:

